Otc Markets Market Data Agreement

OTC Markets Group Inc. is a financial marketplace that operates over-the-counter (OTC) trading platforms in the United States. OTC Markets Group provides comprehensive data, trading, and information services to market participants, including brokers, dealers, traders, and investors. As a professional, it is critical to explain the OTC Markets Market Data Agreement in a simple and understandable way.

What is the OTC Markets Market Data Agreement?

The OTC Markets Market Data Agreement is an agreement between OTC Markets Group and its subscribers that allows them to access and use the market data provided by the OTC Markets Group. Market data includes quotes, trades, and other information about securities traded on the OTC Markets platform.

The Market Data Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which subscribers may access and use the data. It sets out the terms of payment for the data, the permitted uses of the data, and the restrictions on redistribution.

Permitted Uses of OTC Markets Market Data

Subscribers to the OTC Markets Market Data Agreement are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the market data for their internal business purposes. This means that they can use the data to analyze securities, make investment decisions, and track market trends. They cannot, however, use the data for commercial purposes, such as reselling it to other parties.

Restrictions on Redistribution

The OTC Markets Group has a strict policy against the redistribution of its market data. Subscribers are not allowed to sell, license, sub-license, or otherwise transfer the data to any third party. They may only share the data with employees or contractors who need it for internal business purposes. Sharing the data with anyone outside of the subscriber`s organization is strictly prohibited.

Payment for OTC Markets Market Data

Subscribers to the OTC Markets Market Data Agreement are required to pay a fee for access to the data. The fee varies depending on the type and amount of data requested, as well as the frequency of access. The OTC Markets Group offers a range of pricing options to suit the needs of different subscribers.


The OTC Markets Market Data Agreement is a vital document for anyone who wants to access market data for securities traded on the OTC Markets platform. Subscribers must agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement before accessing the data. As a professional, it is critical to ensure that this article provides a simple yet informative explanation of the OTC Markets Market Data Agreement.