Power of Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy for GB Syndrome

GB syndrome is a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your hands and feet are usually the first symptoms.

These sensations can quickly spread, eventually paralyzing your whole body. In its most severe form, GB syndrome is a medical emergency. Most people with the condition must be hospitalized to receive treatment.


GBS is often triggered by an immune system response to an infection. It’s believed that the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nerves, leading to inflammation and damage. Common infections associated with GBS include respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as the flu or Campylobacter jejune bacteria. Vaccinations, particularly the Zika virus vaccine, have also been linked to GBS in rare cases.


GB syndrome often begins with tingling and weakness starting in your feet and legs and spreading to your upper body and arms. Some people notice the first symptoms in the arms or face. As GB syndrome progresses, muscle weakness can turn into paralysis.

Signs and symptoms of GB syndrome may include:

  • A pins and needles sensation in your fingers, toes, ankles, or wrists
  • Unsteady walking or inability to walk or climb stairs
  • Difficulty with facial movements, including speaking, chewing, or swallowing
  • Double vision or inability to move the eyes
  • Rapid heart rate
  • low or high blood pressure



  • Muscle Strengthening: GBS often results in muscle weakness and loss of motor function. Physiotherapists design personalized exercise programs to target specific muscle groups, gradually helping patients regain strength and coordination. These exercises are tailored to an individual’s abilities and progress, promoting muscle recovery and preventing muscle atrophy.
  • Mobility Improvement: Mobility can be significantly compromised in GBS cases. Physiotherapy focuses on improving joint flexibility, range of motion, and overall mobility. Techniques such as passive range of motion exercises and gentle stretching can help maintain joint health and prevent stiffness.
  • Balance and Coordination Enhancement: GBS can impact balance and coordination, making everyday activities challenging. Physiotherapists work on exercises and techniques that enhance balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and improving overall stability.
  • Pain Management: Muscle pain and discomfort are common in GBS. Physiotherapists use various modalities such as heat, ice, ultrasound, and manual therapy to alleviate pain and improve comfort level


Here are some of the benefits of hydrotherapy for GBS recovery:


  • Buoyancy and Reduced Weight-Bearing: Water’s buoyancy reduces the effects of gravity on the body, making it easier for individuals with weakened muscles to move and exercise without putting excessive strain on their joints.
  • Resistance Training: Water provides natural resistance, which can be adjusted based on the individual’s needs. Performing exercises in water allows for resistance training without the need for heavy weights.
  • Muscle Relaxation: The warmth of the water in hydrotherapy pools can help relax muscles, alleviate tension, and reduce pain. For individuals with GBS, who may experience muscle cramps and discomfort, hydrotherapy can provide a soothing environment for relaxation and relief.
  • Joint Mobility and Flexibility: The water’s buoyancy and supportive properties enable gentle joint movements that might be challenging on land.

In conclusion, GB Syndrome (GBS) is a rare but impactful neurological disorder that can have a sudden and profound effect on an individual’s health and quality of life. This disorder, characterized by muscle weakness, paralysis, and potential respiratory complications, arises from the immune system’s response to infections or vaccinations.

A team of Physiotherapists in Alexa Clinic under the guidance of Dr. Shipra Kumari, Chief Physiotherapist and certified Aquatic Therapist (IATF Switzerland). Alexa Clinic is a super-specialty physiotherapy and aquatic therapy clinic first of its kind opened in Kolkata in the in the year 2019. With many accolades and recognition Alexa Clinic has treated more than 10,000 patients suffering from various illnesses.



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